Past Classes, Workshops, and Events
Join Kristina for an evening of tranquility, relaxation, meditation, and healing as she utilizes various sounds and instruments to invoke a deep inner journey during November's Full Moon in Taurus. Only five spaces; contact us to reserve your spot ahead of time as drop-ins may not be available. November 2024 |
Kristina will be presenting a workshop as part of a larger weekend event, the Correllian Northeast Regional Lustration of the Living. The workshop will combine her knowledge and study of both the human body and esoteric philosophies to look at the body through the lens of The Seven Hermetic Principles.
Hosted by the Temple of Holistic Knowledge August 2022 |
Join us at the European Lounge in Sto Lat Bar, right next to the BFLO Event Center on Transit Road. Kristina will be teaching a workshop on the John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release Approach, what fascia is and how it connects the entire body, and be leading some exercises as well as teaching the principles of Myofascial stretching for self-care!
Hosted by WINC Buffalo. March 2022 |
Come join us at Central Rock Gym for their March Health and Wellness Day! We'll be talking about "pump out" - that sensation of tightness or fullness in the forearms that occurs when you're climbing for an extended period of time. Not only will we go over the anatomy of being pumped out and what it means for your body, but we'll talk about self-care, exercises, and stretches that can help to reduce pump out faster to help get you back on the wall.
Central Rock Buffalo - 55 Chicago Street, Buffalo, NY 14204 2:30-3:30pm in the yoga room at the climbing gym Health and Wellness Day is included with the purchase of a day pass for the gym (free for members) March 2022 |
Do you have low back pain? Do you have difficulty straightening up when you get out of your bed or from sitting in a chair? Do you have to sleep curled up for comfort? It might be time to learn about your Psoas.
Psoas [so-as]: the largest muscle in the body with an unspoken secret that the rest of the body is experiencing without us even realizing. Discover the psoas and learn where our stress is really living. February 2020 |
Do you want to spend more quality time with your loved one after a long day of work? Wishing you could both put your phones down and focus solely on one another for a few minutes? Are you looking for a way to make this upcoming Valentine’s Day more special? Looking for an idea of how you can show your partner you appreciate them without it being about how large the bouquet of roses is? Queen of Tarts and Ouroboros Therapeutic Arts are pairing up on Saturday, February 5th to help you do just that! Join us at our pre-Valentine’s Day couple’s massage class to learn some basic massage techniques, about the benefits of massage, and how massaging your partner can fulfill multiple love languages at once!
February 2022 |
During these uncertain and tumultuous times, it is important that we protect our energetic field so that we can keep ourselves as level as possible and not take on other peoples' energies or the ambient energies around us. This Introduction to Energy Work class series will cover the basics of energy work leading into shielding. The course will consist of four classes over four weeks, and each class including lecture, Q&A, exercises, and guided practice, and PDF handouts.
December 2020 |